For The Week Of 2/16/2025 - 2/22/2025 WWW.5THSTREETPOKERPARTIES.COM
The High Rollers Club is a rewards perk for members who consistently support our bar league venues through food and drink purchases. The identified High Rollers are rewarded with the opportunity to play at the HIGH ROLLERS TABLE (Feature Table) during events and avoid having to wait in line for registration at events.


  • HIGH ROLLERS must check in with the tournament director a minumum of 15 minutes prior to "Shuffle Up and Deal" (7pm*).
  • Unclaimed seats at the HIGH ROLLER TABLE will be released to alternates after 7pm.

Check the list on this page to see if you are a High Roller. The list is updated on Sundays, to reflect each members’ average bar/food tab (and tip) expenditures over the last four events attended.
** A $25 minimum is required to qualify for the High Roller Table. Any remaining seats will be made available for preregistration after the qualifiers have been seated.

We wish to extend this special full-service experience to those participants that help us schedule these events long into the future. High Rollers will enjoy personal V.I.P treatment from the service staff as well as be seated at a table with a professional dealer.

Individuals are ranked by their average bar tab over their last 4 events (each venue has its own High Rollers Program). To qualify, a Member must have played at least 3 times at that particular venue and TWICE in the past 35 days. The average only includes events in which you participated. If no bar tab is reported, a zero is included in the average for that week and the Member’s 4-event average will suffer. An unattended week does not affect the average. Note: The 4 event average is not the previous 4 calendar weeks; rather, the last 4 events the member actually attended.

All charges to your bill during the day of the event are applicable (lunch, dinner, late night drinks, etc.), as well as any expenditures at that venue on non-poker nights during the previous week (taking the family out to dinner, going to hear a band on the weekend, etc.) AND includes any tips to Dealers, Directors or wait staff. ACTUAL RECIEPTS must be shown to – or turned in to – the Tournament Director. Increase your bar/food tab by bringing in friends/companions as spectators and add them to your bill. Pull Tabs are not included.

Note: The average only includes at the events in which you participted.

Every Week at Every Venue.

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